Can't believe it's the last day of the 2014. This past year has been a huge roller coaster to say the least.
This year was a year of travels. A year of trying new things. A year of heart breaks and finding love. A year of gain and lost.
I was privileged to have been able to return to Taiwan in January and see my grandma one last time. Even though seeing her in her fragile state brought tears to my eyes, I knew she's had a fulfilling life.
I then went through a breakup that tore my life apart. But it opened up opportunities and let me learn lessons about myself. I learned to not waste the time I have and created a bucketlist. I planned for a future I was uncertain of.
In the span of a few months i found and lost someone that was very dear to me. Words cannot express how sad I am that he is no longer in my life. In the short time that our romance existed we did so much. We travelled to las Vegas and shared some firsts. But things didn't work out. The time together would never be forgotten though.
I left my job. Finally.
I took off on a solo trip to Japan and Korea in the middle of hard times. It was both good and bad. I had always wanted to travel by myself and this was the perfect time. During the trip I had to overcome language barriers and not knowing anyone in the native countries. I challenged myself to climb mt Fuji in Japan and bukhansan in Korea. I walked nearly 400 km in the three weeks abroad. I learned to adapt to other cultures and being by myself. I made friends that made the trip that much more special.
I then started a new job that came at the best time.
I went back east to Ontario twice to attend friend's weddings and catch up with friends I haven't seen in ages. It was also during this time that I lost my grandmother. Words couldn't express how lonely I felt when my dad broke the news to me over the phone.
I grew a fondness for climbing and climbed the chief and grouse grind.
I started taking classes to move closer forward my goal of being a wedding planner.
And most of all I gave love another chance.
In the new year. I look forward to more travels and my new found passion, hiking, and less drama. I hope to try harder and be happier. What do you look back on? What do you look forward to?