There are too many times when you look at the news and there is some sort of disaster going on, or a crime being committed. Rarely do you read, there still is though, on the good in humanity. With the way the world is, I think we as people that are part of it should try to help each other out in whatever way possible. Things that may seem little to us, may mean the world to the person receiving it.
I often look back and wish I had done more for the homeless people I said no to or pretended not to see.
One of my goals for the past couple of years was to donate my hair. Hair is something that a lot of us take for granted. For those that have to go through chemo and the thought of losing their hair, is often a scary thought. I tried last year to do so, but because I had dye on the lower lengths of my hair, it was considered un-donatable. Hair that are to be donated have to be of certain length and meet certain requirements. This is so that the hair pieces that it is eventually made into will turn out as best as it can be.

This year, I finally managed to grow out my hair long enough to donate. The program I decided to donate it through is Pantene Beautiful Lengths. A lot of people recommended it and they give their hair pieces free of charge to cancer patients. It seems funny how after I did so, I realized just how many people around me were also saving their hair for the exact same cause. Its such a happy thing to see all the good in the world. Time to start saving again.