Archive for September 2015

James 1:19-27

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Sometimes, it doesn't take much to find inspiration. This just has to be shared. Whether you're religious or not, please understand this is just something that is part of my life. I'm not going to lie when I say I haven't been to church in a while. Although for the past little bit, I have been busy with my weekend job, it really wasn't justifiable to miss as much as I had. I am glad to that this past weekend, even with my take down the previous night, Drew knew to see if I was still at home just before he left the house. It was my fastest waking in the morning. From rising to out the door was probably less than 3 minutes! No Joke! 

For some reason, this Sunday service felt different for me. It was my re-connection with God and I really wanted to show my sincerity. Who cared who else was there or what was going on with others. It was my time with God who has given me so many opportunities and LOVE along the way. It was the first time I really sat through the sermon and listened intently without falling asleep, or getting sidetracked or not taking it to heart. And it really spoke to me! I felt like it was meant for me and me alone!

The sermon focused on James 1:19 - 26 which focuses on Listening and Doing. The main points were to Listen to God's Words, then Practice God's Words followed by Living God's Words. These words were especially meaningful to me because it was the exact opposite of what I've been doing for the past while. While the pastor tells us to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger, I have been doing the perfect opposite. I have been jumping to conclusions and getting angry at the smallest and meaningless things without really listening to others. I couldn't believe how much I really needed to hear that from someone else. It made me truly think about what I am doing with my life. 

At the end of service when we were given our moment of prayer. I really stopped and prayed. I told God of my insignificance to his greater plan and that everything I've been blessed with to date was his to take and give. I praised Him for all he gave me and the days we're given. It was truly a moment with God. It's also amazing to see how quickly he answers prayers. After service, I ran into an auntie who was looking for me and told me about a job opportunity at, none other than, Nordstrom. While I still don't know whether I'm fully getting this job until I actually start working, which would be December, after my trip, but I know that if God wants me here, no one will be able to take it away. 

I just want to share this passage before I end off. 

James 1:19-27

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.
26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Zipline @ QE Park

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Unfortunately, there isn't a picture to go with this post, at the moment (perhaps I can steal from Niu later), but I just wanted to share my experience today. While it wasn't the first time, it was the second, ziplining, I just had to share it! I bought a Groupon earlier this year for the zip line that would be running at Queen Elizabeth Park this season as part of their 75th anniversary. The Groupon expires tomorrow so I wanted to make sure it didn't go to waste.

Niu came and picked me up after work and we headed to the park. When we got there, the line had, to our disappointed closed already, but after some pleading and waiting, myself and a couple other groups were given the okay to wait in line as well. As we waited, we got to witness the amazing change in the sky that was the sunset. It was truly a sight. To the west you could see a blend of red and orange from the setting sun, and towards the East, you could see a purple aura of the rising moon. I took my turn shortly after 7:15 and had a fantastic 30 sec ride down across the garden. It's really different to do the ride at night, than it is in the day. I'm so happy I got to do this as not only did I not waste my money, but it was something I could cross off my bucketlist as well!

Happy Wunderlust!

Crown Mountain: What Was I Thinking?

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I wrote earlier this year that this year has been the year that my interest in hiking really picked up. However at the same time, this summer was also a summer where I was heavily involved in weddings, which took up a lot of my weekends. My list of hikes I wanted to complete is only half crossed off. UNFORTUNATELY. At this time of year, the weather is starting to get cooler and getting darker earlier, which means they have to be completed next year. 
My last hike of the season, was one though that both challenged me and honestly I didn't know half way through it whether I would be able to complete. One of the running comments on our trip to the summit was how people could just give up on the trail and not complete it or give up. But man, this hike really was no joke. I guess it really doesn't help that the day before I spent all day on my feet working and then was at a party before another take-down and going on this hike at 4:30 am without having eaten any food. 

The trailhead for Crown Mountain is actually atop Grouse Mountain. You could either take the gondola up and start from there, or you could start at the base and take either the Grouse Grind or the BCMC trail up. We opted for the BCMC trail which was supposedly less steeper than the Grind. Hiking in the forest in the dark was a first for me and in a sense was eerie because of the unknown. I was the slowest of my group and because our aim for doing this portion of the hike was to catch the sunrise, I told them all to go on without me. They did. I'm not going to lie. There were moments I was afraid I'd encounter a bear or another animal. Not having anyone with me truly was scary that early in the day. I was fortunate that the only time I followed the wrong path and ended up somewhere else I heard people passing by behind me but not catching up to me which made me backtrack to where I had gotten off the track. 

Once atop Grouse Mountain, we all took a nice break and prepped for the real hike that was about to happen. I kept thinking to myself I can do this. I can conquer the fear and fatigue in me. The trail is 9.8 km long and 385 m in elevation change, which sounds easy enough. However it really doesn't tell you that you climb that gradually in the first little bit and then once you pass Goat Mountain, you descend down into the valley and work from the bottom back up to Crown Mountain. So in reality, its not 385 m but more like 700 - 800 m in elevation. There are parts in the descent and ascent to summit of crown mountain where you HAVE to be on your hands and knees and use chains to help you down. While the first part we had a good time thinking how could anyone not do this, after having to scale edges of rocks and traverse difficult terrain, it does take its toll. 

We managed to get up to Crown Mountain though, and the views were well worth the trip. On a good day, you'd be able to see far in all directions and just soak in the wonders that British Columbia has to offer. But getting to the summit is half the battle as the return back to the Chalet is just as arduous and taxing. The return took about 2.5 hours and the whole time all I could think to myself was how close I was and there really is no option but to keep going. No matter the pain or the body telling you you can't go on. At the end though it was a great feeling knowing I had completed this hike that is classified as Extremely Difficult. Would I do it again? Probably not unless I know I'm absolutely fit and capable. But just this once, it was well worth it. 

Exciting New Opportunity: Reviewsio!

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I've been missing for a while, and there has been no good excuse, so lets make a good attempt to do this again. I am VERY excited to be sharing this website with everyone. It is called Reviewsio. So what is that you may ask? Reviewsio is pretty much what it says. In collaboration with Amazon, it gives reviews the chance to test the product at next to no cost if at all, and give their honest reviews about the product. 

It will be officially launching on October 1st and who knows what I'll get to try and share. 

Have you signed up yet? if not then do so before the launch and have the opportunity to try products out for free! :)
