SWAP Meet Haul!!

Someone recently posted about a SWAP, which stands for Style With a Purpose, being held in Vancouver in one of the trading groups I was in, and since I've never been to one of those, I really wanted to see it for myself. For those who don't know what a SWAP meet is, it’s where you rummage through your closet and sort out all the clothes you have that you haven’t worn and probably won’t ever wear. Everyone brings together all the clothing that they don’t need and swap the clothes. Like the old saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Whatever doesn't get chosen at the end of the swap gets donated to the various Women's Centers in downtown Vancouver. So it would be a good cause.

A few weeks ago, I prepared my donation bag, and the organizers were really great for coming to me to pick up my donation/swap bag. They would sort everything out and have it ready for the swap. When you arrive at the swap, they give you a big bag and everything you can fit into the bag is yours to keep. Each additional bag would be an extra $20. The actual swap was last night. One thing I was not happy about was they didn’t really explain the rundown of the night and left people wondering.  Their facebook event page said 6-10 PM but actually the swap wouldn’t start till eight.  6 – 8 PM was the mingle, the thank you from the charities and a small fashion show of some of the clothes. I had gotten there right at six and felt a little lonely with no one to talk to for a while.There was wine and catered food for sale with 10% of proceeds to the women’s centers that the leftover clothes would go to as well.  Overall though it was a great idea and I wish I had taken more pictures at the actual event.

I got there at 6ish and since I was one of the first, I got a first pick at jewelry. I didn't find much I liked so these were what I got. 

The swap started around 7:30 PM which was great, because I didn’t think I was able to hold out till 8 PM. There were a LOT of ladies there and a lot of things on the racks. Pretty close to the size of a small boutique I would say, except you really didn’t have to pay. I made a quick run at the accessories for some scarfs I had spotted earlier. I picked up three. A white one, a dark blue one and a grey colored one. 

I then went for the shoes, because if anyone knew me, I loved my shoes. I went quickly and wounded up with four pair of shoes, all of which were barely worn. First pair was a pair of black Freedman peep toe heels. 

I moved on to looking at boots and found a stitches store type pair of knee high boots.

Next pair of boots was a grey pair of aldo shoes boots. 

My favorite pair of boot from the bunch was this ankle boot. It's by blowfish. It had that edgy feel that I've been looking to find for a while now. 

I moved on back to accessories and found a bag I liked. While I didn't quite like the material, I grabbed the bag because I knew I would use it. 

I grabbed a pair of sunglasses that I thought was quite cute too.

 I then went on the difficult task of flipping through over 16+ racks of clothes. There was SOOO much to choose from. I didn't bother with the denims cause it always causes me trouble and I didn't want to try them on at the place. I went through the racks twice and these were what I picked up. There were lots of name brands and really nice clothes, but they were either not my size or just not my style. These were what I ended up getting. I didn't get that many cause I was sort of rushed for time. My favorite was the grey dress by H&M. 


 So in the end, I had a really good time. 

What did you think of my haul? :D

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