A few weeks ago 104.9 Sonic was having a giveaway of the Heritage Classic tickets. It was given in the form of a trivia game, being held once a day for the entire week. I heard about it on Monday and was very eager to call in, because I wanted to go to the game.
On Tuesday, because I was distracted, I learnt my lesson, I got into a small fender bender, and was unable to call in. To make matters worse for the day, I got into an argument with a friend that was very explosive. Horrible things were said and tears were shed. As a result, on Wednesday, when I would normally drive myself to work, my loving mom drove me to work before busing to church <3. I was such a mess that morning that I didn't care to call in.
Finally, Thursday morning came around. I was given a delivery to do for the morning, so I was allowed to leave the house later. As I got out of bed at 8:40, with the call in time at 8:45, I decided to start calling in. This morning, I wasn't even listening to the radio. Just off a whim. To my utter amazement, it was ringing. It never rung before. I got up to get ready to go. As I brushed my teeth, someone came on the line! I was flabbergasted. It was Randi! I was so happy. Adrenaline was pumping. She asked if I was a fan, and I WAS, she asked if I would be able to participate in the trivia. OFCOURSE! I ended on hold while they continued with the show and I was able to hear everything. It was pretty cool experience.
On the air, I could feel myself being extremely nervous. I ended up getting my question wrong, which was a really difficult question. Who was the first Canuck to score an overtime goal in playoff hockey. I will now always remember Tiger Williams.
I ended up losing, but I won a swag bag. The swag bag took one week for them to prepare for me. And because their pickup time was Monday through Friday, nine to five, my only options were go during work or have someone else pick it up for me. My boss was really nice and I ended up going yesterday during work!
It ended up being two different types of shirts for the event. My only complaint is that one is an XL size and the other is a L size. Both way too big.
It was overall a good experience, one which I hope will happen again soon :)