My Ciate Advent Calendar Arrived.... Finally

So after looking forward to my firsts mini mani month, which for those that don't know is a nail polish advent calendar set from ciate, and being let down that I wouldn't get it before the start of the month, I finally have it.
I am going to be good and open it up one at a time. With the exception of today because I just got it and missed the first two days.

I am sick today so I won't be able to show you guys what they look like on my nails but I will definitely get around to doing a different NOTD for each of the 24 days :)

Day 1. When I opened the door, it read, Fly a Kite. The nail polish is called cupcake queen and is a glittery pink color. I didn't like the mediocre quality of the bow tie. I felt it should be glued properly above their logo.

Day 2. The door says that there are over 37,000 nail art tutorials on youtube. Inside was a burgandy looking nail polish called dangerous affair. The only problem I have with this one is the bow came undone. I have to try and put it back together. I'm also not sure I like.this color very much.. we will see.

Today's day three. When you open up the door there is a little 'BOO' We scared you.. which I didn't find very amusing, I would have thought they'd put more fun little facts or something. Now this is what the bowtie SHOULD look like. If the rest of them are like this, then great :) Anyways, today is a nice white nail polish with purple shimmer inside. It's called halo. It doesn't show in the photo the purple shimmering. Perhaps once I put it on the nail.

So far the colors are great, and I've had a quick test on a nail and found it dries relatively fast which is great. I will show you soon.
For now, that's all.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 3, 2012 and is filed under ,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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